International Company Information

International credit reports on any company worldwide online from
the leaders in international company search information.



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Company Information

Welcome to - international company information.

For over 20 years we have been market leaders in international company reports for due diligence and financial status reporting. International business can be high risk but with reports on any company in over 200 countries and jurisdictions we are the source of international credit reports for businesses worldwide.
  • Fast. With our network of agents actually working within every country we are able to prepare and deliver reports faster than other services.
  • Accurate. Your report will be researched and investigated specifically to meet your enquiry and ensure the most up-to-date information available.
  • Professional. All our agents have detailed knowledge of the most reliable company information sources in their country.
  • Confidential. Your interest in the subject company is not revealed - not even our company search agents in the country are aware of your identity.

Through a worldwide network we can quickly provide you with comprehensive company reports on businesses in every country in the world in a format you can understand.

Company Information and credit risk assessment on any company. The following is reported - but only where available - please see the candid important disclaimer that follows below.

  • All international credit reports are in English, and reports typically include
  • Incorporation details
  • Share Capital
  • Shareholder information
  • Directors
  • Business activity
  • Premises and location
  • Financial information as available
  • Risk assessment

Both our online reports and our freshly investigated reports are fast enough to help you make quick decisions.

Important Disclaimer:
We - and any other service - will not be able to show data that is simply not there. We often find that financial accounts are filed some years after the event and in some instances more than a single year together. The practice of late filing occurs frequently as does failure to file altogether.  In some countries there are different filing laws from one state or region to another. Coupled with local overall legislation differences, there can also be variations due to company age, size and type. Unbelievably, in some countries, the 'penalty' for not filing accounts is no more that the filing fee itself.

If you see a sample report, we must emphasise that it is not always the same amount of data that is supplied. The age, type and size of a company together with the prevailing legal and political forces at the time of the report request will dictate how much information is available.

The system we use promises that we will provide as much information as is available, we cannot provide what is not there. However, it is necessary to make searches and this is the basis of our costs; if a company is found and verified we will not make a refund no matter how much detail is discovered, as the search will have been done. If we cannot find the company we make a 100% refund.

Click here to search a credit report for due diligence and credit status in any country worldwide now.

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